
We are a 100% company
Colombian company, specialized
in solutions to reduce
technical and commercial losses.

IUTP-C R-160
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Solution in the
management of

With the implementation of intelligent communication systems, BTP Aquaforjas optimizes the supply and demand of the aqueduct water plants through new technologies applied in the world of measurement.

Innovation, creativity and competitiveness have been the pillar for the development of new solutions that year after year our company offers to the national and international market.

We are responsible

Socially and Business

We are aware of the importance of preserving the environment, we make an important contribution through different projects implemented to achieve a reduction in water consumption and waste.

As an industrial and manufacturing company, we generate employment by employing national labor and giving job opportunities to many Colombians, especially women heads of households, to support the improvement of their standard of living.

We carry out technical developments for our clients aimed at meeting the specific needs of their companies that contribute innovation and development to them. We fulfill the country by being taxpayers, therefore we generate wealth for the nation.

Success stories

BTP AQUAFORJAS, realizó el escaneo satelital en la ciudad de Cúcuta, con el propósito de rastrear 1.600 kilómetros en busca de fugas de agua, detectando en promedio 0.30 puntos de interés por kilómetro escaneado, que al revisarlos puntualmente con geofonía arrojo un resultado de 0,23 fugas por kilómetro encontradas en tiempo récord.

Estos resultados tan positivos ratifican la efectividad de la puesta en marcha de nuestro proyecto de Detección Satelital de Fugas, el cual sin lugar a dudas, permite la obtención de datos de manera efectiva y rápida, ya que con otros métodos tradicionales se podría tardar en obtener resultados cerca de ocho meses y con menores resultados.

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